I want to express a very heartfelt Thank You to the support everyone has given me. Your words of encouragement silenced my loudest doubts. I am never alone in my pilates journey and volunteering is no exception. I have received such kind words and sincere support from my friends and family. My concerned yet proud parents did not quite understand this in the beginning but nonetheless supported me. My peers and clients have wished me well with enthusiasm. Strangers became new acquaintances and everyone was excited for me.
In preparation for my journey, I have cycled through emotions such as excitement, eagerness, adventurous, anxiousness, doubt, and curiosity. I have never been to Cambodia and have never done anything like this before.
I want to thank my power team. My mentor, Elizabeth Larkam for passing her invaluable knowledge to me in person as well as over skype. Monica Plewes and Maira Izzo who allowed me to use their studio to hold fundraiser classes. Shirlene Campbell, a Physiotherapist expert in rehabbing limb loss gave me books and valuable hands-on techniques. Al Harrison, Director of Education from Balanced Body donated the Motr for me to bring to Cambodia. This group of amazing individuals helped me stay focused and their leadership inspires me to become better.
See you on the other side!